Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Floridian Breakfast!

No one was in any mood for cereal around here this morning - so smoothies were the natural next option. All you need is a good blender and the rest is quick and easy. Throw in all the ingredients, push a button and breakfast is ready in no time at all. Here is the recipe we came up with, but by all means, experiment until you find what works for you!

1 cup mixed frozen fruit (ours included: strawberries, cantaloupe, peach, grapes and pineapple)
1 cup Orange Juice (we used Tropicana)
1/2 cup Vanilla Yogurt 


  1. Omg! What I wouldn't give to be sitting by that water right sipping a gourmet smoothie!!!!! (And, I just have to thow this out there, that water looks PERFECT for jetskiing :)

    I'm a big fan of yours and I'm so looking forward to following ur blog! R u going to b speaking or doing a demonstration in the tri state area any time soon? I heard recently of a flaming banana demonstration that u did and I found it fascinating! I also am quite aware of ur professionalism and the fact that u r a certified chef and was actually privy to once observe u making a flaming meat dish! ur amaze.

  3. I am taking in the entire scene...sunshine, a magnificent breeze passing by and just the perfect smoothie! I'm packin my bags! It's incredible that an undemanding recipe could taste so great!
